Journal of a gay porn screenwriter

Prague is famous for many reasons. One that has made this city famous in the last 20 years is the gay porn industry. It has been said that Prague makes more gay porn per-capita than anywhere else in the world – perhaps due to lower production costs, the Czech people’s casual attitude towards sex, or the fact that you can get people to do a lot in front of the camera for relatively low rewards.

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Dubbing for nothing

Having something to be proud of is definitely nice for a nation but on the other hand there may be some traditions that have a negative impact on the whole society.
I’m talking about dubbing.

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Fonts are everywhere

Take a look at the smooth circular lines of each metro station, look at the fluro scribbled notice on the window highlighting the daily menu specials, or consider the mess of sprayed tags on the walls outside or even our fetching pink logo and you will see that in the world of fonts, things can vary greatly.

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Rudyard Sneem | Often wrong – Now Deceased

Sitting behind this large block of cement I can hear gunshots ringing overhead, I am bleeding a lot and the smell is mixing with my expensive cologne, forming an overwhelming musk, quite unpleasant and foul.

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Invasion in the gallery

Invasion in the gallery

The 20–22nd of August saw the Trafačka and Chemistry galleries (Trafačka – Kurta Konráda 1, Praha 9 and The Chemistry Gallery – U Kanálky 4, Praha 3) play host to the Invaze Festival.

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Sealand <br>The other Bates Hotel

The other Bates Hotel

What the hell is Sealand? It’s a platform sunk into a sandbar situated 6 miles off the Suffolk coast of England. Built to guard the British river system during WWII it was abandoned by the army in 1956, along with dozens of others along the coastline and left to rot.

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Reflections on being “foreign”

I have travelled the London–Prague route so often that sometimes in mid-flight I can’t quite recall in which direction I am flying. Cocooned in thoughts of elsewhere sipping courtesy sparkling wine, gently dozing off, it is easy to get caught up in the thought … “If it wasn’t for the language and the architecture, how would I know where I had landed?”

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Free Travel

Free Travel

Whether it’s down the road or around the globe, getting there is unavoidable. While we do not condone some of these methods and will not bail you out of goal if you are caught; scamming a free ride is something of an art. Here are some of the best ways to get around on the cheap.

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You cannot talk about fetish without at least mentioning planet earth’s number one leader on the subject. Japan has it all when it comes to this stuff. When you hear about the suppressed fart sniffing Brits or the pain junky Germans they pale in comparison to the fetish capital of the world.

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Where Culture Meets Nature

Where Culture Meets Nature

There´s still a place on the other side of the world where nature looks the same as it did a thousand years ago. However, there have been more different factors that have affected the New Zealand culture.

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How does free culture look like in your city/country?
What do you think about „free culture“?

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Just give it!

Just give it!

“A free culture is one where all members are free to participate in its transmission and evolution, without artificial limits on who can participate or in what way.” ( for free culture)

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Birds Build Nests Underground | Reach Your Hapiness

Birds Build Nests Underground | Reach Your Hapiness

Audiovisual multichannel experience for two 35mm projectors, 4 turntables and as many audio channels as possible.


english book | You Don’t Have to Wait

Terry McMillan is African-American woman famous in the USA and Waiting to Exhale is her fourth book. It’s said that the book aims to black folks. In some issues a white “folk” will not feel familiar; but Terry’s women are cynical, ever-hopeful and relentlessly funny.

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